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Compatibility Chart

Regular price $50.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.00 USD
Sale Sold out

This reading will be delivered as a digital PDF download and will include a full in-depth, accurate, detailed synastry chart reading. 

Astrological charts are an in depth documents which takes a great deal of time to prepare, assemble, and interpret. On average this reading will take between 20 and 30 days to deliver. This time frame depends upon current work load, I do my best to finish and deliver these reports as quickly as possible and it its possible that it might be delivered ahead of schedule. 

This reading will focus on the compatibility between the two people you submit. The focus being on the compatibility of these two people in love and relationships. The reading will detail a composite chart with an analysis of the two partners planets, which will produce the synastry chart.

This analysis will show the comparison between both of your natal charts as it relates to love and relationships. This is not a full natal chart reading, however this reading will give insights into the future potential of you and your partner.

How to Order
During checkout place all of the following information in the "Note" section.

Name, Birth date, time and location (city, country.) Please include state for US births and spell out the month. Example: Jennifer, October 3, 1974, Denver, Co, 3:46 PM for both of the people whom you are requesting the reading for.

Once your order has been submitted J.J. will get to work on your chart. Once J.J. has completed the Natal chart he will send you an email with your personalized reading in a PDF file. All information is secure and the email containing the PDF will be password locked so that only you have access to download the reading.

If you would like to check availability before making a purchase please call customer service or send an email to: Scheduling@esotericawakenings.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews

Wasn't expecting this to be so apt. I never really believed all that much in astrology but this chart was so accurate it made my head spin!


He was really able to get into her head! My POI is hard to read and I never know what she is going to do next but he was able to figure out her next move. This chart seemed to unlock all the secrets to communicating with her. He has frequently been right about my "twin sign" girl. I'm not surprised that this chart gave him the extra boost to help me figure her out. A million thanks my friend!


So I normally get readings from jj but I have been having a lot of trouble with my relationship. My POI has been distant and not communication very much, jj suggested doing this chart and from what he was able to see in the chart he told me to try something a little bit different and it worked! She came around right away! Like the next day right away! I'm totally stunned. I have never doubted jj he is always on point but this really shook me! Thank you so much jj!!!!

Good to know

Oh man, I can't believe it took me so long to find JJ! I totally needed this chat!


Oh man he nailed it! This was a very impressive read! I can't wait for him to finish my full natal chart!

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