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Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Raw

Regular price $10.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum)

The chestnuts are the deciduous trees and shrubs in the genus Castanea, in the beech family Fagaceae. They are native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
Chestnuts often associated with masculine energy, Jupiter, and the element of fire. The chestnut tree is associated with the God Zeus. Chestnuts were eaten to enhance fertility and carried as a charm by women who wished to conceive. They are often seen as a cham to bring abundance.

Chestnut wood staves are said to increase energy, enhance intuition, and mental clarity. Chestnut wood can also be used to make talismans for justice, success, and to encourage open mindedness.

1/2 bls, 1 lbs, 3 lbs Raw

Disclaimer: Any medicinal benefits referenced here are a product of my own research and as such should not be taken over the advice of trained medical professionals. If you have an illness, please go and see a doctor. The use of herbs is not intended to replace any medical treatment. It is the responsibility of the consumer to do their own due diligence before using any product. If you are pregnant, consult your doctor or midwife before using any herbal remedy. Herbs sold here are not intended for consumption.

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