Venus Enters Pisces 1/2/25

Venus Enters Pisces 1/2/25

A happy new year, and a busy one too! There is no shortage of celestial news this week as we enter the new year. I'm excited to start the new year off right but I want to remind you that we still have several retrogrades which are pending. Uranus, Mars, and the Post shadow of Neptune retrograde are all going to be hanging around for a while still. I know many of you are anxious to get a powerful start to the new year but we need to remember that we still have about a month before things wind up. Save your enthusiasm for next month so you don't get burned out spinning your wheels in January. Don't despair, things are looking up.  

January 2nd Venus will enter Pisces making your ability to empathize with others much more potent than normal. It's bound to be an emotional time so try to prepare your feelings in advance. Also try to remember not to let yourself become ensnared in the problems of others, understanding is one thing but don't allow yourself to be tied up in the emotional needs of anyone today.

January 3rd Mars will be in Leo Opposite Pluto in Aquarius. Remember all those times when you stuffed your feelings down inside and just didn't say anything? Well today is the day that you are likely to blow steam out of your ears and for that little vein in your forehead to throb with anger. Make the most of your sudden burst of outspokenness and get to the bottom of whatever it is that is upsetting you.

January 4th the Sun will be in Capricorn Sextile Saturn in Pisces. FOCUS is the word of the day. Just remember not to become totally ensconced in that focus as it will draw to a close shortly. Try also to remember that while you have a short window to really put that elbow grease into projects that those under your watch will need to take the occasional break in order to remain productive. No one likes a slave driver.
January 5th the Moon will be in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces. As always the grand design is revealed in simple things. In the aftermath of yesterdays productive focus the universe has seen fit to say, "Just take a nap today!". It's a day when rest and rejuvenation are in order. Spending some much needed time allowing your mind to do what it enjoys most and wander. The homework for today is enrichment. Focus on yourself, find things that make you feel whole and fulfilled.

January 6th Mars Retrograde will enter Cancer, while the First Quarter Moon will be in Aries. Well, nap time is for sure over! Emotions and emotional focus are going to be all over the place today. Remember that sometimes your "reaction" can cause more damage than you mean for them too. Prepare yourself for this day, remember to take deep breaths, and take the time to think before you respond. No matter how you slice it today will be filled with struggle and strife. Try to remember that while today is hell on wheels it is also the entry point at which the First Quarter Moon will be starting to influence things in positive ways going forward. Just remember to "Respond" not "React" today and you should be able to side step most of the drama.  

January 7th the Moon will enter Taurus Sextile Venus in Pisces. It's a good day for a regroup. Pull the team back together today and set differences aside. If you are in a leadership role you may need to carry a big stick today in order to bring everyone together. Lead by example and with compassion to previous events of this roller coaster of a week but set firm boundaries about leaving the past in the past and building new bridges together as we move on. This is the day to renew trust and faith in each other so that we can better work together as a team. Build back stronger with a better laid foundation so that the sky is the limit once again.

January 8th Mercury will enter Capricorn. I know what you are thinking, sounds scary but it's not. This time Mercury while imbued with Capricorns charisma will give us a chance to reflect on the future and what new path we want to walk. This is a good time to reign yourself in and put down on paper that plan for the new year. The key to success is always your own mind. Remember that as the weeks go on and we enter 2025. Positivity breeds positivity, wealth attracts more wealth, and happiness brings more happiness. Think happy thoughts and you will be rewarded.

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