Welcome back Astrology fans! Today March the 7th the Moon will be in Aquarius Square Jupiter in Taurus. That means its time to chill! If you can afford to take a break and relax now is a good time for it. Plan on be extra couch potato-y tonight!
Tomorrow March the 8th Mercury will be in Pisces Conjunct Neptune in Pisces. You might find that your dreams are a little more vivid and wild as a result of this. This creative inspiration can also be channeled into your work and other projects. Don't be afraid to color outside the lines a little.
March 9th Mars will be in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus and Mercury will transit into Aries. Buckle your seat belt! Breathe! Just breathe! No I'm not Anna Nalick, but it's good advice none the less. Your frustration level will probably be past maximum and you will probably find everything and everyone irritating this day. You will be feeling that Aries directness which will allow you to focus communication and fire of ideas rapidly, however everyone else will feel the same way and want to lock horns. Focus on resolving the source of the issue and don't fling anyone out the window while you work on it. I would say have some patience but you've probably already spent all of it.
March 10th Mercury will be in Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius. Remember yesterday? I mean, how could you not, right? Well all that powerful energy should be easily wrangled and put under your control today. Take hold the reins and point that pony toward what your heart most desires.
The Pisces New Moon will also enter Aries this day. This should produce a "Head in the clouds" feeling that allows you to day dream and dwell in the magical realm in a way you ordinarily might find challenging. Childlike wonderment is the tone for the day. Take advantage of this to embrace your spiritual side and apply that powerful energy to manifest greatness.
March 11th Venus will enter Pisces. The playful side of Pisces will combine forces with the dreamy eyed Venus to create a powerful swooning space in relationships. This is a time to forget all of those problems and remember how and why you fell in love in the first place and do it all over again! Maybe bring home a dozen long stem roses and a bottle of wine.
March 12th the Moon will enters Taurus. Well the honey moon is over and today might feel quite sobering in contrast to yesterdays love fest. The grounding energy of Taurus will have your feet firmly planted on the ground. Take a few deep calming breaths. DON'T go running screaming from the house like it's on fire. Unless you hooked up with your ex and it was a four alarm dumpster fire of a mistake. Then, run screaming, you earned it.