Pluto Retrograde 5/2/24

Pluto Retrograde 5/2/24

May 2nd Pluto Retrograde Begins, this time in Aquarius. As many of you know Pluto is the planet that rules Scorpio and is rooted in sex and death, or in beginnings and ends. This is a transformational power that is subtle and deep. When Pluto is retrograde it gives us the power to rewrite things which are typically written in stone. Meaning that Pluto retrograde is a time of powerful transformation energy and radical change if we embrace it.

This can cause some turbulence if you are not prepared for it. Pluto retrograde is a long reaching Retrograde which will last until October of this year. Giving  you a great deal of time to reflect on things you want to work on.  The Moon will also enter Pisces giving you the power to dig deeply into that intuitive, emotional and creative space. Make sure to pace yourself so that you don't get overwhelmed.

May 3rd Mars will be in Aries Sextile Pluto in Aquarius. The combination of Mars, ruler of War and Finance paired with Aries AND Pluto Retrograde in Aquarius will give you the confidence to defeat your enemies and make powerful moves to take control of your kingdom. This is an aggressive sign of change. In the finance world this is a time that you can make huge changes. Makes sure you take those steps two at a time today! You know who you are.

May 4th the Moon will enter Aries. While you might feel exhilarated from this alignment you may find that while Pluto is retrograde that you are walking a finely edged blade. This super charged energy could result in a manifestation of change as a result of arrogant dismissal. Keep in mind that personal relationships require a little more care in a Pluto retrograde. Don't let cocky Aries push you in a direction you don't want to go and May the 4th be with you!

The Moon will also be in Aries Conjunct Mars in Aries. As I stated in the Financial Forecast video for the month of May on YouTube, the constant influence of Aries and Mars are marking serious turbulence or the potential thereof this month. This is exactly that. While you are feeling this push to succeed you may also find conflicts with those in your personal life who might be struggling while you are making it look easy. This is a delicate balance that can be easily upset especially with the influence of the retrograde in Pluto. Respond, don't react!

May 5th the Moon will be in, yup, you guessed it! Aries!!! As if we haven't had enough Aries focus with the Mercury retrograde, and full solar eclipse and the moon in Aries, we once again see the push from Aries once more in the moon. This is a good time for internal reflection and self examination. It's a time to really evaluate what you want the most in your life and make a plan for how you can accomplish those goals.

May 6th the Moon will enter Taurus. Taking a little bit more time to reflect on everything is probably best after the Aries driven frenzy we have just come through. Though being more grounded in your emotional state, money is still on the mind. The Moon will also be in Taurus Square Pluto in Aquarius which will contribute to the theme of change under the Pluto retrograde. This is a good time to focus on those finances and build that budget.

May 7th the Sun will be in Taurus Sextile Saturn in Pisces. All business today. It's a dog with a bone kind of day. Take advantage of this persistent energy and tackle the day with as much vigor as you can muster. It will reward you greatly. Today will also be the Dawn of the New Moon in Taurus, which will bring with it a renewed sense of confidence that will give you the opportunity to create stability in your life that you may have felt was missing.

May 8th the Moon will be in Taurus Conjunct Jupiter in Taurus. The Moon will also enter Gemini. This means that while you may feel set in your ways, if you allow yourself to be open to new experiences you may find that you can master something new. Just don't forget to write it down, or you might not remember how to get back here again.

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