Pluto Direct in Capricorn 10/10/23

Pluto Direct in Capricorn 10/10/23

Pluto Direct in Capricorn

On October 10th Pluto will be Direct in Capricorn. This marks the end of the retrograde in Pluto and with it the manifestation of the change and growth should be abundant. This is time in which you may feel invigorated to pick up a new task or to really break out that too do list and start checking things off! The same day The Moon will enter Virgo, which will add fuel to this already blazing fire of productiveness. Remember to pace yourself!

Venus will also be in Virgo Opposite Saturn in Pisces. Good old indecisive Pisces energy might make things a bit challenging here, acting more like Libra. Don't spend to much time running back and forth across those scales trying to get them balanced out. Focus more on time management. Try not to get lost in the details and end up obsessing over work, it might cause problems in your relationships. At the same time the other way around is true as well. Try to divide your time as equally as you can without driving yourself crazy in the process.

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I’m so glad that you put this info out there. It has saved my butt more than once!


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