So I'm sure you have heard in the news and other sources that there will be a Nova that takes place sometime between now and September. Many people have been asking me about it over the last week and so I deiced to make a video to help answer some questions and help my viewers defeat the misinformation about this event.
What is happening?
What is going to happen is a Nova. Not a Supernova. We've all see the movie, we all know that's when a star blows up right? Sending that powerful shock wave throughout the galaxy smashing planets and everything in its wake! Well thankfully this isn't Hollywood. The reality is a lot less dramatic.
It is however a very exciting event that is being referred to as a "once in a lifetime" thing. Again this comes as we have been talking more and more about once in a lifetime events becoming more and more frequent. There have also been some pretty serious overlaps between rare and unique astrological and astronomical events and things happening down here on the ground.
So it should come as no shock that here is yet another one. A Nova is a transient astronomical event that creates the appearance of a bright "new" star. This is like throwing a lit match on the BBQ. While the star is not new at all, it simply is now burring brightly enough to see. This White Dwarf which is at the end of its life cycle, having used up all of it's nuclear fuel will leave behind only a core. It also will produce a brilliant flash that is bright enough for us to witness with the naked eye from right here on earth.

Image: Artist rendering of a Binary Star System.
"This type of nova is usually created in a close binary star system consisting of a white dwarf and either a main sequence, subgiant, or red giant star. If the orbital period of the system is a few days or less, the white dwarf is close enough to its companion star to draw accreted matter onto its surface, creating a dense but shallow atmosphere. This atmosphere, mostly consisting of hydrogen, is heated by the hot white dwarf and eventually reaches a critical temperature, causing ignition of rapid runaway fusion. The sudden increase in energy expels the atmosphere into interstellar space, creating the envelope seen as visible light during the nova event." - Wikipedia
When will it happen?
The short answer is we don't really know. It's not the kind of thing that you can schedule. It's just going to happen when it happens. However scientists expect that the Nova will happen sometime between now and September of this year.
Where will it happen?
The T Coronae Borealis, Nicknamed the "Blaze Star" is comprised of the white dwarf and a red giant which are expected to create the Nova. This binary star is located in an area of the Milky way called the Northern Crown, which is located 3000 light years from Earth.

"This image from NASA shows how to find Hercules and the "Northern Crown" in the night sky during the summer months of 2024. After locating Hercules, scan between Vega and Arcturus, where NASA says Corona Borealis may be identified. NASA"
The Northern Crown is described as a horseshoe shaped curve of stars west of the Hercules constellation. This is where you will want to aim your eyes, telescope, phones, cameras or anything else that you want to view the event with.
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How long will it last?
It is possible that the view of the nova will be visible from Earth for one week before it disappears again. The last time that an event of this magnitude was witnessed from Earth was in 1946. The intensity is expected to decrease from the initial nova over the week. The best time to observe this will be during the first few days however you are encouraged to continue to watch it over the course of the entire week. After all how often do you get to see something like this?
What will the astrological impact be?
Nova comes from the Latin "Novus", which means new. Clearly we know that a Nova is the end of a stars life cycle but because early astronomers were unaware of this they named the phenomenon Nova or new, because it appeared to be the birth of a new star in the night sky. As you might imagine it is because of this that the Astrological significance of a nova would represent new beginnings and transformation. Every end is a new beginning, and so poetically those early astronomers were in fact not misguided in naming this event a Nova.
As with many astrological events that inspire or bring with them change, a nova is more of an inward change. Often associated with inner light, the ability to transform, and embrace change. An event like this can be a powerful catalyst for change in your life. This isn't a "blanket" event meaning it won't be the same for everything. The effects will probably be different for you than everyone else around you. For this reason it is important that you look inward, take stock of what is happening in your life at the time and reflect on what options are being presented to you by the universe.
This is a time when spiritual growth can be effortless and substantial. Even if you are not the most spiritual person, even you should understand the importance of an event like this. Take it seriously and invest in yourself by taking the time to connect with the energy of the universe and all that is in it. Remember that you are part of the greater whole and that we are all interconnected in one way or another. Every granule of sand must be united to create a desert.
This can also be a time that the significance of starting over is important. Sometimes we need to break things so that we can resemble the pieces. This event won't break things for you, but it will hand you the hammer so that you can learn the value of being the one who put an end to things in your life that need to be ended.