New Moon Report
New Moon in 10 degrees of Aquarius
Cooling emotions during Soul Winter
Folks most affected for this moon cycle will be those with Sun or significant aspects in about 5 to 15 degrees of Aquarius, the same degrees of the opposite sign of Leo, and the same degrees of the squaring signs of Taurus and Scorpio; that's all of the fixed signs. That doesn't mean that everyone else can stop paying attention though ! Remember we humans are about 70% water, and the tides are especially high when the Sun and Moon pull together at the New Moon. In general, New Moon is a time when communication between the everyday conscious self (the Sun) and the subconscious, emotional and instinctive self (the Moon) is easier and more fluid, making this time of the Moon cycle a good time for both shadow-self work and introspective meditation.
Don't get too excited looking at this chart. I know it looks like there is a Grand Cross and a Grand Trine. Both are illusions brought about by computer software. The Midpoint of the Grand Trine on the chart as shown (the blue triangle) is the Midheaven or MC, and one of the focal points of the Grand Cross (the red lines that form a square) is the Ascendant or rising sign. We can ignore these aspects, the software put them in, because they are a part of the chart that does not really apply to our New Moon chart. We can ignore the house cusps, Ascendant and Midheaven since they change so much in response to location as we focus on the time of the actual event, the New Moon. So most of the lines in the top half of the chart can go away, simplifying the chart to look more like a bowl or a basket with Lilith as the handle. It is a comforting thought that this Moon Cycle, for the next two weeks or so, provides us a basket in which to keep our souls and hearts safe.
Moon in 10 degrees of Aquarius Conjunct Sun in 10 degrees Aquarius
The cool, intellectual sign of Aquarius hosts this New Moon, in 10 degrees of the sign. The Sun- Moon conjunction here is actually barely connected to the rest of the chart at all. I know it looks like this New Moon is close to Mercury and Pluto, but in reality the numbers place the two planets in their own little grove. This provides a chance for us to step back, and in a spirit of Aquarian discovery, to take a look at ourselves and where we are, without pressure or judgment. We can create space to be ourselves with ourselves and just let the world go on around us, without us, for a little while. A little vacation, sort of. Nice, yes?
My point here is: Moon in Aquarius is an unemotional aspect and Sun in Aquarius can be
accepting and easy-going. Discovery of new parts of the self or revelations can happen here, without the emotional loading the Moon usually brings with it. Self-discovery and exploration for its own sweet sake, like a Caribbean cruise.
North Moon Node at 0 degrees Aries/30 degrees Pisces
The North Moon Node is always Retrograde, and therefore moving into Pisces from Aries. This is the Cusp of the Spring Equinox, the beginning of everything in Astrology. Because The North Moon Node is connected with Karma, Soul Purpose, life lessons and the like, this is a good time to begin anew, connect with with your higher power is cover/rediscover life purpose and life lesson. That kind of renewal is what a New Moon in Aquarius “vacation” is all about.
Mercury in 2 degrees of Aquarius Conjunct Pluto in 2 degrees of Aquarius, Sextile to Venus in 25 degrees Pisces conjunct Neptune in 28 degrees Pisces conjunct North Moon Node in 29 degrees Pisces Mercury and Pluto together in early Aquarius brings another perspective to the thoughtful introspective pattern of this Moon Cycle. Mercury demands conscious communication from the Plutonian underworld of the subconscious and wants to bring to consciousness some of the darker thought patterns we are no longer aware of. Lighter ones, too, of course. There could be some surprising dreams and realizations coming about. Fortunately this complex is in Sextile to the Venus- Neptune-North Moon Mode stellium in late Pisces. Gentle, creative Venus and Soulful, limitless Neptune can smooth the way with some loving, lovely out-of the-box solutions and support. North Moon Node here adds in a sense of destiny and inspiration.
T-square based on Chiron 19 degrees Aries opposition Lilith 23 degrees Libra with Mars (Rx) in 21 degrees Cancer at the midpoint squaring both Well, there can't be all this good and soothing basket of introspection and self-exploration without some challenge. The opposition between Lilith and Chiron continues to confuse the thought energy as to whether actual healing is taking place or if there are resurfacing issues about oppression or repressed memories. Mars Retrograde in Cancer making the t-square at the midpoint of the opposition adds to the challenge with confused emotion and uncertain decisions to act; Like being not-so-sure how you feel or what to do next when presented with one of these thought patterns.
This New Moon Cycle seems easier and less emotional than the last few we have seen. The one challenging aspect seems to be a bit of confusion and indecisiveness. Here we have a nice basket pattern where we can feel supported and secure while we engage in some self-exploration and indecision without the pressure of meeting great challenges or judgments. Some time for quiet reflection, a sort of emotional vacation as Aquarius cools us down. So take some time, be gentle with yourself, accept the chance to meditate or introspect. Accept what comes up in your thoughts and you may find a new perspective in your direction, life lesson, or purpose on this plane. And, as always, be blessed and may the stars guide you.
Blog Post by Steven Galbreath for Esoteric Awakenings