Jupiter Retrograde 10/3/24

Jupiter Retrograde 10/3/24

Wow, so, it's been a while....
Many of you have reached out to me recently about the blog and other content that I typically create because I haven't been creating it. Many of you may also know that I have been working to build another business. The retail store which has been a lot of work and demanded a great deal of my time over the last few months is almost finished! However I have also been just absolutely slammed with clients in crisis as result of the multiple over arching retrogrades that have been happening for the last few months. I am still here, I am still producing the blog. Just very, very slowly. On October 26th the retail store will have its' grand opening and after that I should have more time to focus on writing the blog and making videos for YouTube again.

As for the Astrology, I feel like every time I go to write one of these reports there is yet another freaking retrograde starting. This week is no different, but please don't shoot the messenger.

October 3rd the Moon will be in Libra Trine Jupiter in Gemini. Emotions may be running high and communication might be a challenge. Especially in relationships. Keeping in mind that we still have the influence of Saturn and Neptune Retrograde punching us down at work, this could be another one of those times when it's best to stick to safe topics and avoid the heavy stuff.

October 4th Venus will be in Scorpio Trine Saturn in Pisces. Talk about focus, Scorpio will have you pin pointed in that serious energy. This is a good time to focus on career goals and other work related issues. It's also a time to think about furthering your commitment to others. Lead by example today, don't just sit in the back. The reward will be greater if you take charge.

October 5th the Moon will be in Scorpio Conjunct Venus in Scorpio. I'm sensing a theme here,.... Seriously communication driven with that Scorpio clarity is powerful today and you can be direct while being compassionate. This will help you gain new insights into your personal relationships.

October 6th Mercury will be in Libra Square Mars in Cancer. Remember that good old rock I like to hide under,..... guess where I will be today? Yup, you guessed it! Communication is going to be a "challenge" I put quotes around it because that's me being optimistic........ Seriously you are likely going to find either you or someone you work with is spinning out of control trying to find a balance point but can't quite manage and is angry about it. Just, step, away,....... Do not engage. If you are pressed into a corner and you have to engage remember to take a moment to remember your tone and the way you deliver the message. Oh, and good luck.

October 7th the Moon will be in Sagittarius Square Saturn in Pisces. After yesterday you might want to think about taking a day off. Try to relax and recover what is left of your mental health. Just take today a littler slower than normal.

October 9th Jupiter will enter Retrograde. I know, I know,..... Also, weren't we just talking about this? You know who you are.
So this time around Jupiter will be going retrograde in Gemini. Lovely fun that this is going to be. While Gemini can be critical of themself, they can also be introspective to others' feelings. During a time like Jupiter retrograde things tend to slow down. New growth is a challenge but can be done. It's far more likely however that you will find yourself working to reaffirm existing relationships and strengthening the bonds of current business. This is a good time to take a hypothetical "energy bath" and scrub off all that crap you have been carrying around with you. You know those negative thoughts and extra baggage you have been clinging to like its a flotation device? Time to do a little fall cleaning!

October 10th the Moon will be in Capricorn Sextile Venus in Scorpio. You sweet talker you! Now is the time to turn on the charm, and try to find common ground. Split the difference and make concessions. It will serve you well, especially in building new work relationships.

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