Full Moon Report

Full Moon-01-13-25-1626CDT
Grand Cross with Sauce
Full Moon 24 degrees of Cancer (Sun 24 degrees Capricorn)
While everyone will be affected to some extent as this Full Moon sets the tone for the next month, those most affected for this Moon Cycle will be those with the Sun or significant aspects in 19 to 29 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries. A Full Moon is always in Opposition to the Sun and sets a challenge for we mortals. This time around there is so much more going on! For this Full Moon, the significant feature of the sky is a Grand Cross, a relatively rare configuration of multiple Squares and Oppositions represented by all those interconnecting bright red lines in the Chart that goes with this blog. At least half of the planets are involved directly with several more connected in other ways, with all of these aspects reinforcing and building on each other. This is going to take some explaining, so grab some aspirin and an energy drink, and let's get going.
Full Moon 24 degrees of Cancer Conjunct Mars Retrograde 27 degrees of Cancer in Opposition to Sun in 24 degrees of Capricorn Conjunct Pluto in 1 degree of Aquarius (Four Oppositions) This is Square to Chiron in 19 degrees of Aries in Opposition to Dark Moon Lilith in 22 degrees of Libra (creating a full Grand Cross.)
I know it looks like a lot of jargon here. Now that it is done with, I can begin to sort this out in relatively plain language. Let's start with the Moon and Mars together in the sky over on the left hand side of the chart. Mama Moon is in her own sign of Cancer, increasing her power this Moon cycle. There will be lots of emotion, possibly mood swings or at least cycling, for the next month. With Mars Retrograde nearby, this emotional time could lead to hopeless feelings of being swept along out of control, acting on feelings without thinking, or being driven to excess emotion. The darker side of Cancer, clinging, smothering and emotional manipulation, could well come out too.
The main challenge here is from the fourfold opposition to the Sun in Capricorn with Pluto in Aquarius nearby. A Capricorn Sun wants to stay in control and stresses adulting, taking care of everyday matters, particularly finances, routines and traditions, with a view to sticking to the plan for the future. With Pluto in Aquarius in the mix there is more – any changes or transformations have to be in tune with the universal Aquarian truths and be sustainable. The waves in our emotional pond coming from the Moon and Mars may seem powerful, but the trick here is to maintain the everyday routine and to ensure that any action on these feelings is genuinely based and toward long-term and sustainable growth.
Because of the Squaring opposition, we can expect little help from our mentor Chiron or from our unconscious drives and repressed energies represented by Lilith. We can't be sure if Chiron's advice or inspiration is genuine healing energy or is twisted and repressed memory coming out from Dark Moon Lilith. This dance of balancing emotion and dreams, positive or negative, with adulting will not be easy for us, as we struggle to keep moving toward who we truly wish to be.
Moon 24 degrees of Cancer Conjunct Mars Retrograde 27 degrees of Cancer is Trine to Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces Conjunct North Moon Node in almost 1 degree of Aries. This conjunction is then Sextile to the Sun in 24 Degrees Cancer Conjunct Pluto in 1 degree of Aquarius.
Here's the sauce on the Grand Cross. These aspects have to do with a blue triangle of lines across the major opposition already discussed. Neptune in Pisces and the North Moon Node in Aries may bring some relief to the struggle for balance here. Neptune strongly placed in its own sign of Pisces offers some gentle transitions and boundless universal energy, while North Moon Node in Aries may help with discovering life lessons and a sense of meaning in the midst of the challenges. These are cooperative factors, gentling the demands for action and stability, perhaps offering some flexibility and creativity.
Uranus Retrograde in 23 degrees Taurus Trine to Sun Conjunct Pluto in 1 degree of Aquarius also Sextile to Moon 24 degrees Cancer conjunct Mars Retrograde in 27 degrees Cancer.
Here is another triangle similar to the one we were just discussing. Uranus retrograde in Taurus at the other Trine-sextile point of the major opposition complex means that some unusual events may happen in your personal space, lending energy to the challenge you face. Likely events will have to do with loved ones or financial matters, things close to you. Possibly you may find yourself reacting in strange or eccentric ways, strange feelings that you don't understand or can't connect with anything normal for you. Like, where did THAT come from? Uranus. It may or may not be helpful, but at least it will be distracting.
I know this sounds like a lot going on this Moon Cycle. Most people are going to be all right. Some of the more sensitive and those with their Sun, Moon, or other significant placements in 19-29 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Libra and Aries may find themselves confused, bewildered and bebothered by their own emotional reactions to events around them for the rest of January. We'll get little help from our rational sides since Mercury in 7 degrees of Capricorn is not really part of the picture. With the Capricorn Sun and Pluto in Aquarius reminding us to keep our thoughts on the long-term picture and Neptune and the North Moon Node lending a sense of destiny to our footsteps, we can go on along our path no matter how ditzy, emotional and disoriented we might feel.
So keep your head up, keep climbing the mountain, and keep on moving forward. You'll make it through this Moon Cycle and beyond.
And, as always, be blessed and may the stars guide you.
Blog Post by Steven Galbreath for Esoteric Awakenings